Remaking the classic, SAIC Audi brings all models to the Guangzhou Auto Show

  China Economic News Network(Xing Rui)Audi Q6 RS edition and Q5 e-tron "Bayern Munich" special livery version made their debut together, with the help of A7L. On November 17, SAIC Audi brought all its models to the 2023 Guangzhou International Auto Show with the theme of "Breakthrough, Entering the New World". While showcasing the new trend of modern luxury from multiple angles, it also interpreted the brand’s forward-looking thinking on future high-end travel with products. 

  Audi Q6 RS edition debut 

   For a long time, performance and innovative design are important manifestations of Audi’s enterprising genes, and how to perfectly integrate the classic charm while maintaining this personality, and then create a luxury model in the new era to meet consumers’ expectations to the greatest extent, is the direction that SAIC Audi is constantly thinking and looking for. Specific to the product, the Audi Q6 RS edition is the answer.   


   外观上,奥迪Q6 RS edition采用的奥迪原厂性能专属颜色“箭羽灰”,呈现低调沉稳的气场,而曜黑logo、红色刹车卡钳以及21吋五幅铝合金精车双色轮毂的运用,又将这款车的运动质感、强悍性能雕刻的恰如其分。


  奥迪Q5 e-tron进阶革新 

   聚光灯下,与奥迪Q6 RS edition一同迎来首秀的还有奥迪Q5 e-tron“拜仁慕尼黑”特别涂装版。

   作为上汽奥迪电动化发展的先锋力作——6/7座纯电旗舰SUV奥迪Q5 e-tron基于纯电平台打造,CLTC工况下续航里程最高可达到560km。稳健的底盘调教,配合奥迪最新的e-quattro电动四驱技术,让这款车拥有强悍稳定的运动性能。而低至0.29的风阻系数、智能矩阵式LED大灯,以及可定制数字日间行车灯、L2+级别的智能驾驶辅助等配置,则展现出上汽奥迪在电动化和数字化等方向上积极革新的理念。   


   在奥迪看来,Q5 e-tron不止是品牌科技创新的体现,在纯电技术的助力下,它更承载着人们对智能高端出行生活的向往。为了给用户提供更好的补能体验,上汽奥迪推行了360°充电网络生态服务并不断升级。截至目前,上汽奥迪的智选充电站已接轨42万充电终端集成,奥迪专属品牌充电站已入驻全国超过190家商场,共456个停车位配备充电桩。

   As Autonavi Le, general manager of SAIC Audi’s marketing business, said: "In the current era of change, SAIC Audi always insists on bringing the most exciting products and the best service to its customers."     

  Adhere to "user first"  

   Looking back on its performance over the past year, SAIC Audi acknowledges its outstanding achievements.

   "As a luxury brand born in the new era, we always hope to resonate with more users with enterprising determination and excellent product strength, and bring users more trendy experiences on the basis of traditional luxury car brands." Yang Siyao, general manager of SAIC Audi’s marketing business, said that to this end, they have carefully built an innovative business circle. After more than a year of building momentum, SAIC Audi’s market share will increase by 214% in 2023.   


   According to reports, currently, SAIC Audi has 150 stores in 78 cities across the country, and this scale will increase to 240 by the end of 2024 and 300 by 2025.In addition, starting from 2023, SAIC Audi will also have a "SAIC Audi User Center" in the mature Motor City, forming a multi-modal composite network with the urban store. It is envisaged that in the future, SAIC Audi users will not only be able to go to the urban store in the busy business district to experience the technological charm of their products, but also enjoy high-quality brand experience, model delivery and other services in the user center.

   Not only that, in order to further increase customer stickiness, SAIC Audi has innovatively explored the operation model of "co-creation" with users, including inviting customer engagement to multiple important links such as Product Research & Development, service rights and interests, and establishing a closer emotional bond with users. It is reported that at present, SAIC Audi App has nearly one million registered users, and after the establishment of the official car owner club "Shanghai Austrian School", it has led many users into the colorful car life circle.

   Yang Siyao said that in the future, SAIC Audi will adhere to the brand concept of "user first", actively explore technological changes and service innovation in the direction of electrification and intelligence, and bring consumers a high-end intelligent travel experience beyond imagination, opening a new chapter of future luxury.